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日期:2009-07-06    点击数:     来源:

应电子物理与器件教育部重点实验室的邀请,美国德州农工大学(Texas A&M University)教授郭育(Yue Kuo)博士将于7月4日-13日来我校访问并进行学术交流,欢迎广大师生参加!

报告题目:From Nano to Giga Electronics ––– A General Discussion of ULSIC vs. TFT Technologies

报告时间:7月10日(星期五) 下午15:00-16:30


The sales of IC and TFT LCD products reached near US $300B and $80B, separately, recently. Currently, the state-of-the-art wafer size of IC is 12-inch while that of the TFT mother glass is great than 2 m by 2m. The mass production history of IC is 50 years while that of the large-size TFT array is 20 years. Therefore, both are highly successful industries.

While currently, the most popular IC device is the MOSFET which is operated under the same principle as that of the TFT, their material properties and fabrication processes are similar but different. The uniqueness of the IC technology lies in the high-density, high-speed transistors integrated with multilevel interconnect lines. The uniqueness of the a-Si:H TFT product is its capability of integrating devices on ultra-large size substrates at a low temperature. Recently, there are many new developments in the TFT technology that can broaden applications to beyond pixel driving but without losing the large-area fabrication capability. Furthermore, the new copper interconnect technology has been developed for both TFT and IC products. Therefore, this is a good time to examine these two technologies and to explore their possible future developments. In this talk, the speaker will analyze similarities and differences of these technologies and show examples on how they can learn from each other’s experience and collaborate in developing future products.

1974年获台湾大学学士学位,1978年、1979年分别获得哥伦比亚大学硕士和博士学位。郭育博士曾在IBM T. J. Watson研究中心及硅谷从事半导体技术研究近20年,1998年起任美国德州农工大学教授,创建了著名的薄膜微纳电子学研究实验室(Thin Film Nano & Microelectronics Research Laboratory),致力于ULSI和TFT的器件、材料及工艺研究。由于在上述领域的杰出贡献,获得了2007美国电化学学会电子学和光子学奖、10项IBM技术和发明奖。郭育博士是IEEE及Electrochemical Society的Fellow,发表期刊论文350多篇、出版2部TFT著作、主编3种期刊以及15个国际会议论文集。在国际会议上作特邀报告110次,发明40多项晶体管器件结构和制造工艺,是多国的工业界及政府部门顾问。



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