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学 术 报 告 通 知

日期:2011-03-03    点击数:     来源:


报告题目:Single Photon Detector Based on Superconducting Nanowires

报告时间:201134(星期五) 下午14:30-16:00



For both practical applications and fundamental researches, a device capable of detecting single photons at specified frequency is extremely desirable. The major requirements for such a device are its quantum efficiency, dark count rate, response speed, and jitter. Although there are some single photon detectors available, the one based on superconducting nanowire is very attractive particularly because of its low dark count rate.

In this talk we shall discuss the fabrication and characterization of NbN thin films on MgO and Si substrates. Such films are patterened into various devices with widths ranging from 200 nm to 50 nm to make single photon detectors. The maximum system efficiencies are up to 30% (660 nm) and 4.2% (1550 nm), while at a dark count rate of 10 c/s, the detection efficiencies are 20% (660 nm) and 3% (1550 nm). The resposne and jitter of our devices will also be discussed.




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